Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Newcombs Ranch

I feel like it has been a few weeks since I last made a post.

Life is flying by. Between chasing after two-year-olds all day and and exploring this new city on the weekends, I find myself looking sadly at my growing pile of fabric. Sewing is so not "bada-bing bada-boom" and voila! there is a new creation. It takes time, patience, and usually ends up with me cursing in German and pulling out my seam ripper for the thousandth time.

But at last I took a few hours to whip up this little number: a gray jersey t-shirt dress with an open back.

I love this dress. It is simple, streamlined, and comfortable. It only took me about 2.5 hours to make. I did not use a pattern, instead just eye-balled it from shirt that I already own. I bought the gray jersey from M and L Fabrics. It was only $3.49/yard and I bought two yards. Holla for a $7.00 dress. 

Justin has been exploring LA much more than me. He is constantly discovering new cool places off the beaten path. This past Sunday, decked in my new threads, I hopped in his car and we drove up into the mountains to Newcombs Ranch.

Newcombs Ranch is a funky dive located in the heart of the Angeles National forest. Catering to bikers and hikers, it is a favorite haunt of Magnus Walker and Jay Leno. It is a sprawling pine building whose parking lot is speckled with a rainbow of motorcycles, moded-out imports, and the long lines of American muscle. When we arrived live music was playing on the patio from two gentlemen in chaps with waist-length hair. I felt immediately judged for my lack of ink and leather. 

Justin and I dined on a lunch of chicken strips, seasoned fries, and cinnamon-infused bbq sauce before settling back into the p-car and driving further up the mountain for amazing views. 

The wind rustled through the branches and air smelled like pine and petrol cooling in the engine bay of the flat 6. There were pine cones as big as my face and redwoods towering hundreds of feet above our heads. It is totally incredible that in 45 minutes of driving the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles can melt away to such rugged wilderness. 

Needless to say, I want to go back. Preferably armed with a picnic basket, blanket, and novel.